• 2024-07-27 Saturday

In 2022, facing the trend of technological development of the times, what major scientific issues will guide the development direction of a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation? How to aim at the world's scientific and technological frontiers and major national needs, and plan scientific and technological innovation from a global perspective? How to make a good first move, accurately grasp the direction and focus of future scientific and technological development, and seize the initiative of future scientific and technological development with strategic judgment? On April 28, 2022, the 2022 collection and release series of major scientific issues, engineering and technical problems and industrial technology issues sponsored by the China Association for Science and Technology officially opened for public voting.

The 2022 series of activities for the collection and release of major scientific issues, engineering and technical problems and industrial technology issues aim to study and judge the future development trend of science and technology, lay out the development direction of cutting-edge science and technology, base on the "four aspects", and contribute to the cause of science and technology and the sustainable development of mankind. Since February this year, the CAAI has set up an expert recommendation committee to collect problems and problems in the field of information technology. After review, 4 cutting-edge scientific problems and 3 engineering and technical problems have been selected and recommended to the China Association for Science and Technology. CAAI sincerely invites you to vote for the 7 questions and problems that have entered the primary selection of scientific and technological workers (No. 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 42 in the field of information technology).

List of recommended problems and problems of CAAI 



Voting Number


Information Technology

Engineering Technology Challenges


How to build a hybrid AI with human-machine fusion?


How to build a general AI with dual knowledge-data drive?


How can artificial intelligence adapt itself to open environments?

Frontier Science Issues


How to secure and govern the ethics of artificial intelligence?


How to secure and govern the ethics of artificial intelligence?


Multilingual Semantic Unified Representation and Intelligent Information Processing on Silk Road?


How to reverse design and build biological systems out of functional requirements?

voting steps

In order to ensure the authenticity of the data, this activity requires real-name registration to vote (support for the account login of the Home of Science and Technology Workers). Multiple-choice questions are supported for each subject area, but ballots for each area can only be submitted once. Voting operations can be performed from two channels: computer and mobile.

How to vote by computer:

Log in to the official website (http://scique.kczg.org.cn/) → click to participate in voting → real-name registration and login → enter the project voting → select the voting field → check the difficult option → submit the ballot

How to vote by mobile phone:

Scan the voting QR code → real-name registration and login → enter the project voting → select the voting field → check the difficult option → submit the ballot 

The deadline for voting is 24:00 on May 20, 2022, and the voting results will be available to experts for reference in the follow-up review.

Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence

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