• 2024-07-27 Saturday

CAAI Secretarial Pool

Tel: 010-62281360

Email: office@caai.cn


Science and Technology Consulting Department

Manager: Liu Xuejun

Person in charge: Liu Yanna

Tel: 010-62282983

Email: msc@caai.cn


Training and Certification Department

Manager: Chen Wenbai

Email: zhb@caai.cn


General Management Department

Manager: Jia Xiaoli

Tel: 010-62281360

Email: zhb@caai.cn


Science and Technology Exchange and International Cooperation Department

Manager: Zou Yaru

Tel: 010-62281360

Email: msc@caai.cn


Information and Media Promotion Department

Manager: Yu Hei

Tel: 010-62283663

Email: yvonyui@caai.cn


Publishing and Editorial Department

Manager: Sun Weiling

Tel: 010-62283663



Membership Service  

Person in charge: Liu Yanna

Tel: 010-53935102 010-62282983


Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence

Copyright © 2010 中国人工智能学会 互联网ICP备案:京ICP备06029423号-1
地址: 北京市海淀区西土城路10号 邮编: 100876 电话: 010-62281360 传真: 010-62282983
