• 2024-09-08 Sunday

On the morning of April 13th, the prestigious ceremony for Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Science and Technology Award took place in Suzhou Industrial Park, celebrating the achievements of 70 projects and individuals. Academician Gao Wenrong of the Chinese Academy of Engineering was honored with the Wu Wenjun Award for the Highest Achievement in Artificial Intelligence. Meanwhile, Professor Li Shutao, Vice President of Hunan University, Professor Zhao Xianming, Founder of Beijing Hongshan Information Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd., and Professor Du Junping, Director of the Computer Application Technology Center at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, were recognized with the Wu Wenjun Award for Outstanding Contribution in AI.


The "Scene-Driven, Data-Intelligent Nation" - 2024 Second National Artificial Intelligence Application Scenario Innovation Challenge, jointly hosted by the Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence and the New Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Research Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology, kicked off during the event.


Under the theme "Innovation-Driven, Data Intelligence Strengthens the Nation," the ceremony centered around Suzhou's industries such as biomedicine, new materials and integrated circuits, high-end manufacturing, and artificial intelligence.The "1 + 10 + X" industry enabling mode is mainly set up mainly. It featured a comprehensive agenda including a main forum, ten specialized forums, as well as prestigious awards, launch ceremonies, report releases, and scientific gatherings. Notable attendees included ministerial leaders, academy experts, members of the Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Science and Technology Award Committee, nominating and judging experts, award recipients, and entrepreneurs. The aim was to facilitate discussions and exchanges to harness the academic, talent, technical, and industrial advantages of award-winning project teams and AI academic institutions, with a focus on promoting the coordinated development of cutting-edge AI technology applications and industrial ecosystems.



Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence

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