• 2024-05-06 Monday


On October 13rd, 2021 Chinese Congress on Artificial Intelligence (CCAI 2021) ended successfully in Chengdu. The theme of this conference is “Intelligent Enlightens Extraordinary”. The conference implemented China’s scientific and technological innovation development strategy, focused on building an international artificial intelligence academic exchange and cooperation platform, shared global artificial intelligence development experience, and would help China's intelligent technology move towards “independence, innovation, integration and coordination”. During the two-day conference, nearly a hundred experts including 23 Chinese and foreign academicians shared the latest research results and industrial thinking, attracting more than 5.58 million people online and offline to attend the conference.


Promote regional development

Intelligent event polishes the splendor of the ancient cultural capital of science and technology

The host of the 2021 CCAI is Chengdu’s specific measure to seize the major strategic opportunities of the “two-wheel drive” of the National New Generation Artificial Intelligence Innovation Development Pilot Zone and the National Artificial Intelligence Innovation Application Pilot Zone, which will not only help the development of Chengdu’s artificial intelligence, but also promote the linkage of industries in the southwest region and stimulate the resonance of the regional intelligent ecosystem.

Strengthen international exchanges

Thematic report promotes the integration of Chinese and Western cutting-edge achievements

At this conference, 8 key Chinese and foreign speakers from different fields including Academician Chai Tianyou, Director of the Academic Committee of Northeastern University, Academician Deng Zhonghan, Commander-in-Chief of "Starlight China Core Engineering", Academician Joseph Sifakis, Turing Award winner, Academician Zhou Zhihua, CAAI Vice Chairman, Luc De Raedt, Chairman of the IJCAI-22 Program Committee Academician, CAAI vice chairman and researcher Liu Chenglin, MIT professor Alex Pentland, and academician Tian Qi, chief scientist in the field of artificial intelligence of Huawei Cloud, gave keynote speeches, showing the current global intelligent technology research trends. A high-level and high-standard AI cutting-edge academic sharing session was brought to the audience and the industry.


Focus on cross-fusion

Academicians offer advice and suggestions to the Intelligent Industry

The Dialogue was one of the highlights of the conference. On the topic of "The cross-function and challenge of artificial intelligence in technology and industry?", Academician Dai Qionghai, Academician Chai Tianyou, Academician Qian Feng, and Academician Wang Endong had a wonderful discussion. The academicians talked about their experiences on the "intersection" of artificial intelligence and industry, the successful cases of the intersection of intelligent technology and industry, and gave constructions on the intelligent upgrading of traditional industries and the development of artificial intelligence in Sichuan and southwestern regions.


Leading the technology trend

Special forum analyze the trend of intelligent innovation

With the goal of leading technology trends, breaking industry reforms, and boosting industry development, the conference set up nine special forums, inviting well-known experts in various fields to conduct exchanges and discussions from multiple perspectives, promote relevant research and application breakthroughs, and promote the level of industry intelligence. The discussion content covers popular technologies and industry applications such as natural speech processing, computer vision, big data, large-scale pre-training models, intelligent medicine, industrial intelligence, robotics, artistic computing, and interdisciplinary integration.


Focus on vertical fields

Concurrent events highlight the value of the platform

As the big event of the artificial intelligence industry, six industry events include "Smart Hydropower Forum", "Intelligent Creativity and Visual Knowledge Expression Forum", "Sky Intelligence Forum", "Shengteng Artificial Intelligence Ecological Forum", "Artificial Intelligence Industry Forum: Data Elements and Privacy” and “Computing and Young Scientists Salon for Tackling Core Technologies of Artificial Intelligence” were successfully held at the same time and became the focus of attention in various vertical fields, which not only enriched the content of the conference, but also reflected the influence and professionalism of the conference platform.

October is the season of fragrant fruits and the time to share achievements. With the conclusion of the 2021 CCAI, a grand international exchange event has come to an end, and a new journey of technological innovation is opened under the enlightenment of wisdom achievements.

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