• 2025-01-19 Sunday

On November 23, the 9th International Conference on Cognitive Systems and Information Processing (ICCSIP 2024) was successfully held at Hohai University’s Changzhou Campus. The conference was hosted by the Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAAI) and Hohai University and co-organised by the CAAI Special Committee on Cognitive Systems and Information Processing, with assistance from the Changzhou Science and Technology Bureau.

The conference, with the themes of embodied intelligence and cognitive systems, featured five reports and three separate forums, The event brought together experts from various fields, including 17 guest speakers who made presentations during the forums.

The conference strongly encouraged PhD students and postdoctoral researchers to submit posters showcasing their research work. Certificates were awarded to the four recipients of the Best Poster Award by the conference chair.


Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence

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