• 2025-01-19 Sunday

In June 2020, according to “the Articles of the Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence” and “the Working Methods for the Selection and Evaluation of members of the Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence”, CAAI launched the selection of its members in 2020.

After the procedures of nominating CAAI members, reviewing by the office of the expert committee for evaluation of members, and reviewing, voting and publicizing by the expert committee of evaluation of CAAI members, nine outstanding scientific and technological workers in the field of AI, including Academician Chen Chun, Academician He Jifeng, Professor Miao Jinqian, Academician Wang Endong, Academician Wang Yaqin, Academician Wang Yaogong, Professor Yu Jian, Professor Zhang Xuegong and Academician Zhang Yaqin, were elected as members of the CAAI. CAAI would like to express its congratulations to the members who have won this honor.


In 2017, CAAI established the first membership mechanism, which aims to recognize a group of members who have made outstanding achievements in the field of artificial intelligence and made great contributions to CAAI, and further encourage members to continue to scale scientific and technological heights. Membership is the highest academic honor for members in the society, and 84 members have been selected by CAAI as of this year.

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