• 2025-02-07 Friday

This book clarifies the current situation and development trend of smart medical health, deeply explores the problems and challenges faced by smart medical health, and provides a reference guide for major hospitals, companies, research institutions and personnel. It has gathered the knowledge and wisdom of many experts and scholars in the field of smart health care, which to a certain extent reflects the consensus of the academic and industrial circles in this field.

As one of the innovation driven assistance projects of the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST), Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAAI) has been playing a leading role in initiating and summarizing hot research projects in the field of artificial intelligence in China since 2015. At the same time, China Smart Healthcare Development Report 2015 has been published and edited. At the same time, CAAI will launch a series of research reports on artificial intelligence, such as "Extension Development Report 2016" and "Smart Agriculture 2016". Experts, scholars and fans in the field of artificial intelligence are welcome to follow our latest publications.


This book clarifies the current situation and development trend of smart medical health, deeply explores the problems and challenges faced by smart medical health, and provides a reference guide for major hospitals, companies, research institutions and personnel. Starting from the background of smart healthcare development, the book describes in detail the current situation of smart medical health, the current development of smart medical enterprises at home and abroad, and the ecological chain of smart medical and healthcare industry, explores the current challenges faced by smart medical health, and finally looks forward to the future development trend of smart medical healthcare. It has gathered the knowledge and wisdom of many experts and scholars in the field of smart health care, which to a certain extent reflects the consensus of the academic and industrial circles in this field.

This book can be used as a channel for people in medical field, public healthcare field and technical developers to understand the current development trend of intelligent medical healthcare. It is suitable for experts, scholars and researchers in this field as a reference book, and can be used as a reference book for teachers, students and doctors of relevant medical colleges and hospitals.


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Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence

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