• 2024-04-25 Thursday

In order to accelerate the talent training for a new generation of information technology, giving full play to the advantages to personnel training, China Association for Science and Technology has been compiling new generation of information technology textbooks represented by three introductory technology courses, namely big data, cloud computing and artificial intelligence, to cultivate a large number of new generation of information technology talents, meet the needs of the development of digital economy, and provide talent support for the realization of high-quality economic development.

The Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAAI)undertook the compilation of the  Introduction to AI, and held a discussion meeting on the first draft of introduction to artificial intelligence in Shunyi district, Beijing, on March 29.

Deputy textbook editor, Professor Shaoping MA of Tsinghua University, professor Wanliang WANG of Zhejiang University of Technology, member of textbook editing committee,Professor  Yang GAO of Nanjing University and other experts of textbook writing group attended the meeting. Professor jian YU of Beijing Jiaotong University, the executive editor, presided over the meeting.

First of all, teacher YU expressed great appreciation for guidance and suggestions for the process of writing this book to the  teaching material editor Deyi LI academician, consultant and academician Ruqian LU,  academician Weihua GUI , academician Tieniu TAN,  academician Chaohui WU and  academician Qionghai DA. Secondly, he  introduces the  Introduction to AI, on the overall scheme of the teaching material and writing outline. The book covering all areas of artificial intelligence is divided into 15 chapters, and the first draft of each section has been finished.

This meeting is to carry on the thorough discussion exchange to the teaching material first draft, and proposes the further revision plan as well as the next stage revision work concrete arrangement.

The teachers at the meeting carefully discussed the writing content of each chapter, and the teachers expressed their opinions and had a heated discussion, forming preliminary revision opinions, determining the next step " the  Introduction to AI," draft revision and improvement plan, and strive to complete the preparation work.

The photo at the meeting

The compilation of the textbook introduction to artificial intelligence aims at popularizing the core knowledge and the latest progress of artificial intelligence, establishing the general understanding of artificial intelligence, laying a foundation for the future research and application of various branches of artificial intelligence, and further satisfying the social demand for knowledge in the field of artificial intelligence.

Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence

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